University of Calcutta

Konnagar, Hooghly, West Bengal | ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Code of Conduct : Non Teaching Staff

Non-Teaching Staff and their responsibilities
  1. The Code of Conduct for the member of non-teaching staff is primarily governed by the University of Calcutta's Acts, Statutes, Ordinances, and Service Rules.
  2. All employees must maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty. They should conduct themselves in a manner becoming of an employee of the College, emphasizing punctuality and discipline in their work.
  3. Employees are required to maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality, especially regarding student and staff records and other sensitive matters.
  4. Unlawful discrimination related to gender, sexuality, age, or marital status in interactions with colleagues, teaching staff, and students is strictly prohibited.
  5. Employees must refrain from any form of verbal, non-verbal, or physical misconduct of a sexual nature in interactions with students, college staff, and visitors. The college maintains a zero-tolerance policy toward sexual harassment.
  6. Except for valid reasons and unforeseen contingencies, no employee shall be absent from duty without prior permission.
  7. Acts of misconduct, without prejudice to the generality of the term 'misconduct,' include:
    • Taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratification.
    • Furnishing false information.
    • Willful insubordination or disobedience of any lawful and reasonable order of a superior.
    • Damage to any property of the College.
    • Interference or tampering with any safety devices installed in the College premises.
    • Drunkenness or riotous or disorderly or indecent behaviour in the College premises.
    • Gambling within the establishment's premises.
    • Smoking within the campus.
    • Commission of any act that amounts to a criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
    • Commission of any act subversive of discipline or good behaviour.
  8. It's important to note that the above instances of misconduct are illustrative in nature and are not exhaustive.
  9. When an employee publishes a book or participates in public media, it is essential to make it clear that the views expressed are personal and not representative of the College.