University of Calcutta

Konnagar, Hooghly, West Bengal | ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Students' Corner

Mental Health Counselling Cell

Mental Health Counselling Cell

Counselling is a process that works to facilitate well-being through the guidance and support of trained mental health professionals. To support and nurture the student’s mental health, Nabagram Hiralal Paul College has set up a psychological counselling cell in the year 2021 using the expertise and experience of the skilled teacher of the Psychology department. The goal of the cell is to address and help resolve the emotional and psychological issues of the students of the college.

In the highly competitive environment of today’s time, the student faces different challenges and they have to fulfill various demands of the situations. The students experience a significant degree of stress. This support service is intended to help students adapt and make the best of their learning environment. It is common knowledge that when students have unresolved problems, it reflects in their attendance, academic performance, and ultimately their personality development. The counselling cell emphasizes helping students to make proper adjustments in their academic pursuits and improve their quality of life.


Some of the areas for which counselling is recommended for students are as follows

  • Develop better problem-solving skills,
  • Effective decision-Making skills,
  • Promote personal and social development,
  • Develop personal insights,
  • Crisis management


To make the students potent enough to alter the life challenges into opportunities for maximum academic achievement and optimal personal growth.


To create the optimal therapeutic environment for the purposes:

  • To help the students attain positive mental health,
  • To understand the problems that are affecting the student,
  • To help the students enhance their problem-solving ability,
  • To inspire successful endeavors towards the attainment of life goals and happiness.

Counselling Service Received:

Year Counselling Service Received
(No. of students)
2021-2022 11
2022-2023 14


Outcome in Brief:

The Counselling Session was conducted for the candidates who were willing or needed counselling sessions. The students' problems and challenges were acknowledged and resolved by conducting individual counselling sessions.

The students came with the most common issues like complaints of lack of concentration, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, performance anxiety, personal and social relationship difficulty, anger management issues, and emotional outbursts. In the different counselling sessions, Dr. Piya Saha, faculty (SACT), Department of Psychology, Nabagram Hiralal Paul College motivated them, empowered the students, and boosted their self-esteem intended to promote the student’s well-being in all aspects of life (mental, emotional, social, and physical). Efforts were made to improve their communication and social skills to address anger management issues.

Further, it was ascertained that the students make continuous progress in the academic field, participate in extra-curricular activities, and use their potential and talents to the fullest. The students were encouraged to engage in positive behavioural changes and appropriate social skills. Their improved problem-solving skills help them to cope effectively with everyday problems. Also, the students from various social, economic, and linguistic backgrounds were helped adapt to the diversity of college life.

Some students needed follow-up sessions to monitor their problems. Also, students were recommended and referred to the professional help of Psychiatrists and Psychotherapists in case any advance support was required considering the severity.

College Counsellor: Dr. Piya Saha

Dr. Piya Saha is a trained counselling psychologist and counsellor providing mental health support for young adults. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Calcutta, completed a Master's degree in Psychology (with counselling specialization) from West Bengal State University, and a Ph.D. from  the University of Calcutta. Dr. Piya Saha has extensive experience working with children and adolescents in various settings providing social, emotional, psychological, and educational support, providing both individual and group therapy in a safe and confidential environment.


*Both the online and offline sessions can be booked by appointment via email or can contact in the office for an appointment.


Co-ordinator: Dr. Piya Saha

  • M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • Department of Psychology
  • Email:
  • Timings: Wednesday and Friday (3-5 PM)
  • Location: College Psychology Counselling Room (Nabagram Hiralal Paul College)