University of Calcutta

Konnagar, Hooghly, West Bengal | ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Students' Corner

Electoral Literacy CLub



Electoral Literacy Clubs are being set up in the country to promote electoral literacy in all age groups of the Indian citizens through engaging and interesting activities and hands-on experience but in an apolitical, neutral and non-partisan manner. Electoral Literacy Clubs have especially been set up in Nabagram Hiralal Paul College targeting the new voters (in the age group of 18-21 years old) pursuing their graduation. The club has had all the students from all semesters as its members.


  1. To educate the targeted populations about voter registration, electoral process and related matters through hands on experience.
  2. To facilitate EVM and VVPAT familiarization and education about the robustness of EVM as well as the integrity of the electoral process using EVMs;
  3. To help the target audience understand the value of their vote and exercise their right to franchise in a confident, comfortable and ethical manner.
  4. To harness the potential of ELC members for carrying the electoral literacy in communities.
  5. To facilitate voter registration for its eligible members who are not yet registered.
  6. To develop a culture of electoral participation and maximize the informed and ethical voting and follow the principle 'Every vote counts' and 'No Voter to be Left Behind'



The club has students as its members. One can become a member by registering themselves at the beginning of the academic year. After registration, one is recognized as a member until the completion of their graduation course.


Executive Committee

Dr. Srikanta Samanta (Principal/Chairperson) Dr. Subrata Mondal (Coordinator)
Sri Arup Kr. Mandal (Coordinator) Sri Chaitanya Majumder (Convenor)
Sri Pulak Chakraborty (Teacher Member) Sri Nayan Biswas (Teacher Member)
Sri Tonmoy Roy (Teacher Member) Sri Nitin Roy (Student Coordinator)
Ms. Bidipta Sikder (Student Member) Ms. Koushiki Mukherjee (Student Member)
Mr. Parambrata Karmakar (Student Member)  



Coordinators Contact Number: 94323 78375 / 96148 12824

Enrolment Link:

Online Application for New Voter:  

Offline Application Form for New Voter:  Download pdf

Guidelines for Filling-up Application Form: Download pdf

Aadhar Correction: Download pdf

Frequently Ask Questions:


Voter Helpline - Apps on Google Play


 Proposed Schedule of Activities