University of Calcutta

Konnagar, Hooghly, West Bengal | ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Department of Psychology

About the Department

The Department of Psychology, Nabagram Hiralal Paul College under the University of Calcutta, was established in the academic session 2019-2020. The Department of Psychology started with a General Degree Course at the undergraduate level (under the old CBCS syllabus). The Department of Psychology is presently offering a Multi-Disciplinary Course under NEP 2020. The syllabus of Psychology (General course and Multi-Disciplinary Course) is designed and structured by the University of Calcutta. The course will cover areas of Introduction to Basic Psychology, Social Psychology, Cognitive Process, Research Methodology and Statistics, Biopsychology, Biological Basis of Human Behaviour, Clinical Disorders, Developmental Psychology, Counselling Psychology, and other areas respectively. 



This discipline is rapidly developing, touching on all aspects of human life. The mission of the Department of Psychology at Nabagram Hiralal Paul College is to impart knowledge to students about the discipline of Psychology from a comprehensive approach. To provide students with a supportive framework to promote both academic and individual development.



Our vision is to make the students intellectually competent through scientific studies of human behaviour, mental processes, thought, and emotion. Psychology as a discipline, will enrich an individual's analytical thinking, and creativity, develop better problem-solving ability, perspective-taking, and understanding of self and others, and promote the well-being of society as a whole.


Year of establishment
Psychology (General) 2019
Psychology (Honours) NA


SWOC Analysis


  • The Psychology Department is committed to excellence in teaching. Also having keen interest in research activities.
  • The course is application-based, so practical classes benefit students by fostering their interest in the course and also enhancing their knowledge.
  • Faculty practices student-centred teaching, engaged in interactive and two-way communication approaches in classroom teaching.


  • Additional faculty will help to maintain the student-teacher ratio in the classroom for better learning and completing the syllabus.
  • Completing the syllabus is difficult under CBCS and NEP within the stipulated time frame.
  • Most of the students come from rural areas and low socio-economic status, so, it is difficult to engage them in academic activities.


  • Psychology is a broad and diverse field that encompasses the study of the human mind and behaviour. After completing higher studies, there are different career opportunities available in these fields such as: in the health care system, rehabilitation centers, counsellors in NGOs, and many more.


  1. Although the field of psychology has expanded in recent times, still the course is not part of most of the school and college curriculum.
  2. Lack of job opportunities may affect the prospects in the future. (iii) Ensuring active participation and engagement of students in academics is challenging.



Intake Capacity