University of Calcutta

Konnagar, Hooghly, West Bengal | ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Students' Corner

Grievance Redressal Cell

Grievance Redressal

Nabagram Hiralal Paul College maintains a dedicated Grievance Redressal Cell, which plays a pivotal role in addressing various academic matters within the college, including those related to admissions and continuous Internal Assessment. The committee serves as a resource for students and stakeholders who wish to voice their concerns or grievances. To streamline this process, the Cell has established a dedicated email address, where individuals can submit their grievances for consideration and resolution.

The membership of this committee is transparently available on the college website, typically under the "List of Members of the Sub-Committee" section. During the admission period, the Grievance Redressal Cell and Examination Cell collaborates closely with the Admission Committee and CIA to efficiently address and resolve issues and inquiries related to the admission process.

Throughout the academic year, the Cell remains active and responsive to the needs of all stake holders of the college. When necessary, the Cell convenes meetings to deliberate on specific matters or queries that have been raised, ensuring that issues are promptly and effectively addressed. This proactive approach helps maintain a harmonious and supportive academic environment within the college.


Submit Your Grievance


Dr. Srikanta Samanta (Principal/Chairperson) Sri Malay Ray (Convenor)
Dr. Suparna Chatterjee Sri Sujit Das
Sri Malay Ray (TCS) Dr. Soma Roy Chaudhury
Dr. Ranajit Kumar Bowlia Sri Ashis Kumar Dey (NTS)
G.S. of Students’ Union Sri Apurba Majumder (Govt. Nominee)