University of Calcutta

Konnagar, Hooghly, West Bengal | ISO 9001:2015 Certified



Alumni Association

Alumni associations play a significant role in the growth and development of educational institutions through their financial and other support services. It is essential for educational institutions to cultivate strong relationships with their alumni and encourage their continued engagement and support. The Alumni Association of our College contributes significantly to the development of the institution. Alumni Association is the mirror of the college, reflecting the professional and personal achievement of the students. The number of registered Alumni presently stands at 100 (approx.).


Alumni association aims to create a beneficial and influential bridge between present students and Alumnae.


1) To promote exchange of academic and other experiences with the present students.

2) To advice and conduct activities motivating skill, entrepreneurship of the students.

3) To provide career guidance to present students by notable alumni.

The Alumni Association organizes reunions of ex-students; arranges for cultural programs, and collaborates with NSS in participation and Contribution in social activities. Distinguished Alumni members regularly share their expertise on key development areas such as soft skill development, career growth, etc. and are actively involved in advising the Placement Cell of the college. Some of our Alumnae works as SACT and NTS in our college.


Some of the salient activities of the Alumni Association are:

1. Donation of books to the poor and backward students;

2. Active participation in different medical service programme.

3. Active participation in Cultural programmes.

4. Career counselling, resume reviews, and job search assistance that aid students and recent graduates in their professional pursuits.

5. Some of our Alumnae works as teachers in our college. Most of them take important role in administrative support services, like creating and uploading official data (academic and cultural)