Computer Facilities
The college campus is Wi-Fi enabled with access to all the resources that the authority provides centrally. Computers with internet connection are available both for students and teachers in the library, staff room and computer labs. The college library and the computer laboratories have access to advance web activity with its subscription to E-resources that links students and faculty researchers to the databases needed for research.
The College has two well-equipped and well-managed Computer Laboratories. Approximately 60 state-of-the-art machines from HCL, Samsung & HP and LCD Projectors and an interactive board are available along with all necessary peripherals. The machines and programmes are continuously upgraded to ensure the market relevance of acquired skills.
Internet facility is now available at the following locations :
ICT Facilities
The use of ICT-enabled tools for the purposes of delivering an enhanced educational experience is no longer a matter of choice. The ongoing pandemic has necessitated the adoption of new teaching pedagogies, assessment schemes, and completely different work environments. These are just a few of the long list of adjustments that teachers have had to make. However, on the positive side, most of these adjustments have contributed to the building of capabilities and skills that potentially contribute towards greater productivity of the teaching process.
The Nabagram Hiralal Paul College has one of the well-established, fully-automated, partly air-conditioned library in terms of space and collection. The library located at the adjacent to administrative building, with Integrated Multiuser Library Management Software i.e., KOHA (Fully Automated, version, year 2016) have facility of Wi-Fi connectivity and is under the surveillance of CCTV Cameras. The library is spacious and consists of 3500 square meter.