University of Calcutta

Konnagar, Hooghly, West Bengal | ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Department of Philosophy



The Department of Philosophy was established in 1957 along with the college. At first the subject was taught as a General Course under University of Calcutta. Prof. S.N. Saha, a faculty of the Department of Philosophy and Vice-Principal of the college played a vital role in nourishing the department and also the college. History still repeats itself. Under the stewardship of Dr. Srikanta Samanta, who also hails from the discipline of Philosophy, the Department is in its full bloom. In the year 2000, affiliation was extended for Honours Course. The result of the department is satisfactory all along.

Apart from routine class lecture the students are motivated all through the year by the faculty members through debate, discussion on philosophical and ethical issues, teacher-exchange programme, educational/ study tour etc. Students are also encouraged for pursuing higher education. So that they can join academic field and higher jobs.

The department has at present five teachers including Principal, two associate professors and two State Aided College Teachers (SACT). With the combination of experienced and young teachers the department is functioning smoothly and harmoniously ready to face any academic challenge that may come in the way.


Mission & Vision of the department



Our mission is to import knowledge to the students so that they can learn the subject in the possible shortest time under the present curriculum. Apart from class lectures into notes, using concurrently the text and reference books of Philosophy. The best efforts of the faculty members are thus relied upon making the students trained and successful by the all-round efforts of their mentors and themselves.


On the basis of the above mentioned mission, our vision aims to explore different avenues to build the students fostering for self-learning maneuvers. They are asked to use the library, and compose write-ups for annual college and departmental magazines too. Through their learning of philosophical ethics in their curriculum, they would thus make themselves competent to speak rationally on diverse matters, viz. social injustices and aliments, that appear before them.

Year of establishment:

The  University  of  Calcutta  extended  its  affiliation  to  the  Honours  course  in  the Department of Bengali in the year of 1957.

Course Year of Establishment
General 1957
Honours 2000



SWOC Analysis


  • Huge Collection of classic text and reference books in the Central library.
  • Interaction with the students on the subject matter as and when required by them


  • Most of the students come from rural area and are first generation learners, so they are not highly motivated in studies.
  • Students are not properly conversant in English due to the regional location of the college and therefore it is difficult for the Honours students to read English reference books and Sanskrit texts on Philosophy


  • Acquisition of Computer-aided knowledge and Power Point Presentation by the students.
  • Quarterly publication of students’ Wall Magazine to enhance their writing skill on the subject.


  • As most of the students of our department are coming from rural area, it is a great challenge for the faculty to train and counsel them giving all kinds of educational assistances, and even providing financial aids from the college grants, so that the students can enjoy their learning and try to be successful in passing the University Examination.
  • Students are to be encouraged to adopt computer training at college computer center and any kind of vocational pursuit like BVOC so that they can earn their livelihood after the college days are over.

The SWOC analysis helps identify areas for improvement and growth, which will be addressed in line with the department's mission and vision.


Intake Capacity



Academic Session Course Intake Registered Students
2018-19 Philosophy Honours 41 21
2019-20 Philosophy Honours 41 13
2020-21 Philosophy Honours 41 06
2021-22 Philosophy Honours 41 08
2022-23 Philosophy Honours 41 05